Ultimate Cowgirl Challange

Flyer for the Ultimate Cowgirl Challenge event in Maui, with dates on Feb 22nd and March 15th. Includes event details, contact info, and registration starting at 8 am at Oskie Rice Event Center.


Event Details:

  • Dates: January 25th, February 22nd, March 15th
  • Location: Oskie Rice Event Center – Main Arena
  • Registration Time: On-site registration begins at 8:00 AM
  • Event Start Time: Show starts at 10:00 AM
  • Entry Fee: $25 per event + $20 office fee

Event Format:

The Ultimate Cowgirl Challenge (UCC) is a thrilling series for cowgirls. Competitors must participate in a minimum of 3 out of 4 events on the same horse to qualify for the UCC Championship. This series features the following events:

  1. Reining
  2. Ranch Cutting
  3. Boxing (Open to Youth Division)
  4. Sorting (Open to Youth and Cowboy Division)

Points System:

  • Points will be awarded from 1-10 for each event.
  • Winners will be determined by the highest total points.
  • To qualify for the Series Champion, competitors must declare one horse and participate in at least 3 events with that horse.


  • Youth Division: Includes Boxing and Sorting.
  • Cowboy Division: Featured in Sorting events.


  • End-of-Season Awards: Series buckles awarded to 1st place in each event.
  • Series Champion Prize: UCC Saddle awarded to the overall Champion.
  • Note: Horse and rider combinations can win the UCC Saddle only once. Winner must enter all 3 shows to qualify for UCC Champion.

Event Rules:

  • Single Event Entries: Allowed but do not qualify for the UCC Championship.
  • Horse Limits: No limit to the number of horses entered, but horse-sharing within the same division is prohibited.

Scorecard Rules:


  • A pattern will be posted before the event.
  • No tie-downs, nosebands, or roping reins allowed.
  • Split reins or romel only. Two hands required with split reins; one hand required with romel.


  • 50-second time limit.
  • Same restrictions on tack as Reining.
  • Youth under 12 may use roping reins.

Ranch Cutting

  • 2.5-minute time limit.
  • Help may be provided, if necessary.
  • Split reins only.


  • 2-minute time limit.
  • Contestants must sort animals as assigned on the day of the event.

Contact Information:

For more details, contact Maile J. Masada at 808-268-2322.






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Written by : Shane
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